China Smart Metering Case
#Smart Metering

Communication Solution
Collection Rate
State Grid & China Southern Power Grid Smart Metering Information Collection System
Customer Satisfaction
High Satisfaction
1. Smart meters are not fully covered, and the collection rate is low.
2. High management and labor costs.
3. Power failure response time is long.
State Grid & China Southern Power Grid have installed 110M Ningbo SANXING smart meters until 2023. Communication solution including PLC, RF, NB/2G/3G/4G.
1. In order to full coverage of smart meters, improve the collection rate of the last kilometer close to 100%.
2. Reduced management and labor costs, customer can charge and query through Phone APP directly.
3. Local decision-making, with fast power failure response ability
Through the smart grid upgration projects, smart meter is fully covered.Even users stay at home, they can operate and apply for electric service.At the same time, Power failure response is fast, Customer is satisfied with the fast response such as power failure recovery.,etc.